
Renewal in the Talpiot Quarter

New master plan for Talpiot Industrial Zone

Key Points of the Plan

The JDA is promoting for the Jerusalem Municipality and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage an updated master plan for Talpiot Industrial Zone in the south of the city. The new master plan is based on a previous master plan approved by the District Committee in 2013, and takes 2040 as its target year (a master plan constitutes agreed planning policy and is not a statutory plan; detailed plans can be submitted on the basis of a master plan, but it cannot serve as the basis for issuing building permits).

The Talpiot Quarter, better known as Talpiot Industrial Zone, has changed its character in recent years as traditional industrial uses have relocated to industrial zones outside the city. The large quarter, with an area of over 1,000 dunams, is surrounded by residential neighborhoods. Most of the area has come to be dominated by commercial businesses, offices, craft stores, and auto shops.

The new master plan creates a planning foundation for the development of a new principal urban center for Jerusalem, in area that will be crossed by three new light rail lines in the future. The vision for renewal in the Talpiot Quarter envisages a multipurpose and diverse center featuring high-quality public space, encouraging walking and providing access to light rail and pedestrian routes. The compound is intended to serve as a mixed-use area, including residential construction, commerce, employment, education, culture, entertainments, crafts, and services.

Approximately half the area is planned for residential uses, representing some 8,500 housing units according to a diverse blend of small apartments offering solutions for first-time buyers. The other half will include commerce, employment, public buildings, and culture.

The plan establishes policy and provides tools for the development of the new compound by:

Status of the plan:

In July 2020 the plan documents were submitted to the planning institutions ahead of the discussion in the committees for the approval of the plan (which has not yet been scheduled).

The master plan was presented to the public in July 2020 at a series of meetings in the plan area and in adjacent neighborhoods.