Conditions of Use of the Website of the Jerusalem Development Authority (JDA)
Welcome to the website of the Jerusalem Development Authority (hereinafter: “the Site.”) Use of the Site, including the content it includes and the various services that operate therein, constitutes consent on your part to these conditions, and accordingly you are requested to read them carefully.
These conditions apply to the use of the Site and the content it includes by means of any computer or other communications device (such as a cell phone, various tablet computers, etc.). The conditions also apply to the use of the Site, whether via the internet network or by means of any other network or means of communication.
Use of the Site
You are permitted to use the content of the Site in accordance with the rules detailed below. The content of the Site is not to be used otherwise, unless you have received the express, prior, and written consent of the JDA thereto, and subject to the conditions of its consent (if such consent is granted).
You are permitted to use the Site solely for personal and individual purposes. Content from the Site is not to be copied and used, nor given for use by others, in any manner, including on other websites, in electronic publications, printed publications, and so forth for any purpose, whether commercial or otherwise, for any use that is not personal and individual.
The Site is not to be connected to any website containing pornographic and/or indecent and/or offensive content, and/or content encouraging racism or improper discrimination, or unlawful, or whose publication is unlawful or which encourage unlawful acts.
The JDA shall not be liable for any damage caused due to any link to content from the Site or due to any presentation or publication of such content in any other manner. You bear full and exclusive liability for any link, presentation or publication of content made by yourself, and undertake to indemnify the JDA on account of any damage incurred as a consequence thereof.
Benefits, Incentives, and Services Provided by the JDA
The Site includes information about benefits, incentives, grants, and sundry activities undertaken by the JDA for the purpose of the promotion, development, and nurturing of the city of Jerusalem.
It is clarified that the publication is not tantamount to the creation of any obligation on the part of the JDA to grant any benefit and/or grant to any person and/or corporation, and that solely receipt of authorized confirmation on behalf of the JDA, to be given in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the relevant procedures and the provisions of any law, shall bind the JDA.
The JDA is entitled to change and/or cancel and/or update the grants and/or benefits and/or the procedures for their awarding at any time at its exclusive discretion.
Content Delivered by Users for Publication on the Site
The Site also published information originating from other institutions and bodies, including various government ministries. The JDA does not bear any liability for this content, and exclusive liability therefore, and for any consequence accruing therefrom, is borne by the body that delivered the content for publication. The publication of this information does not constitute any guarantee of its validity, reliability, accuracy or legality.
When sending or delivering content for publication on the Site, you bear full and exclusive liability for any consequence accruing from the publication. You must ensure that such content is lawful and reliable.
If the JDA decides to publish delivered content, it is entitled to edit any such content at its absolute discretion, including by way of its abbreviation.
The content is not published on behalf of the JDA, and accordingly it is not liable for its reliability, credibility, accuracy or integrity, and it is not liable for any consequence accruing from the use thereof or reliance thereon. Please verify that any information delivered is correct and updated.
Moreover, the JDA is not liable for any damage incurred or liable to be incurred due to the dispatch of confidential and/or sensitive information via the Site.
Services Requiring Registration
You may encounter services on the Site that require registration. You will be able to enjoy and use any such service after completing the registration process, delivering the requested details during the process, and after receiving your consent to the online agreement accompanying the service.
During registration to the service, you will be asked to provide personal details, such as: your first name, family name, city and country of residence, and an active email address in your possession. You must provide solely correct, accurate and full details and confirm hereby the veracity of the details provided. Incorrect details are liable to prevent the possibility for you to use the service and to thwart the possibility of contacting you, when necessary. The data you submit on registration to the service will be held in the database owned by the JDA. There is no legal obligation to provide this information, but without doing so it will not be possible to use the service for which you registered.
Links on the Site
You will find links on the Site to various pages on the internet. The links allow you to find content published on the internet. Most of this content is not published by or on behalf of the JDA and is not controlled or inspected thereby. The JDA does not undertake that links found on the Site will be functional and will lead you to an active website. The JDA is entitled to remove from the Site links included thereon in the past, or to refrain from adding new links – all at its absolute discretion.
The JDA is not liable for any product, content or service accessed by means of links as stated.
Commercial Content
The Site may include commercial content, information about commercial bodies such as restaurants, cafes, etc., delivered for publication on behalf of sundry advertisers or users.
The JDA shall not bear any liability for the commercial content published on the Site. The JDA does not write, inspect, verify or edit the content of these advertisements or their veracity. Sole liability for the commercial content and for any consequence incurred due to the use thereof or reliance thereon is borne by the advertisers. The publication of commercial content on the Site does not constitute recommendation or encouragement to purchase the services or products offered for sale therein.
The JDA is not a party to any such transaction and shall not bear liability for services and goods offered in the commercial content on the Site.
Intellectual Property
All the copyright and intellectual property rights to the Site, the services offered therein, and any content contained therein (with the exception of content delivered for publication) rests with the JDA or with a third party that has permitted the JDA to use the said. No part of the above is to be copied, disseminated, presented in public, operated in public, transferred to the public, changed, processed, used to create derivatives, sold or let, whether by yourself or in cooperation with a third party by any way or means, whether electronic, mechanical, optical, by means of photography or recording, or by any other means and way, without receipt of prior and written consent from the JDA, the Jerusalem Municipality or other copyright holders, as the case may be, and subject to the conditions of consent (insofar as consent is granted). This provision also applies regarding any processing, editing or translation made by the JDA of content entered or delivered to the Site by yourself.
Insofar as the said consent is granted, you must refrain from removing, deleting or corrupting any notice or mark concerning intellectual property rights, such as the copyright sign © or trademark ®, accompanying content you use.
The trademarks and the announcements of advertisers on the Site are the property of these advertisers alone. No use must be made of these, too, without the advertiser’s prior and written consent.
Changes to the Site and Cessation of Service
From time to time, the JDA may change the structure, appearance, and design of the Site and the scope and availability of the services thereon and will be entitled to collect payment for certain content and services in accordance with its decision, and it shall be entitled to change any other aspect involved in the Site – all this without the need to inform you thereof in advance. Such changes will be made, inter alia, with reference to the dynamic character of the internet web and technological and other changes that occur therein. By their nature, changes of this type may entail mishaps and/or arouse initial inconvenience, and so forth. You shall not have any argument, claim and/or demand vis-à-vis the JDA on account of the said changes and/or mishaps occurring during their execution.
Without derogating from the above, the JDA is entitled to halt at any time the provision of any or all of these services. On the termination of the services, the JDA shall retain the material included in the Site for a reasonable additional time, and thereafter it shall be entitled to delete it without saving any copy and without providing additional notice thereof.
This agreement shall be subject to the laws of the State of Israel. Exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute arising from this agreement shall rest with the empowered court in the city of Jerusalem alone. Without derogating from the generality or derogating from the reliefs granted in accordance with the provisions of any law, the JDA shall be entitled to halt immediately and unilaterally, without provision of any advance warning, the granting of the services on the Site, without any relief being imposed on it.
Use of the Site shall be at your exclusive and full liability.